Quigo Has Arrived

The image “https://i0.wp.com/quigo.com/img/navlogo.gif” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.Here’s a NY Times article about Quigo, the contextual David to Google’s Goliath. While only a small part of its overall revenue, Quigo has a huge number of newspaper relationships (and a potential network). And they have other local dimensions as well.

But this is a company that has quietly been building a huge business, as CEO Mike Yavonditte might say. There’s going to be a favorable outcome for these guys — IPO or big acquisition — at some point in the not-too-distant future.


Frank Watson’s post at Search Engine Watch emphasizes that Google is adapting and changing AdSense, under some pressure from the “transparency” of Quigo.

2 Responses to “Quigo Has Arrived”

  1. Web X.0 Says:

    Quigo on the NY Times

    NY Times published a nice story about Quigo this morning. From it:What Quigo offers is transparency and control in what can often be an opaque business: advertisers pay Yahoo and Google for contextual ad placement on a wide variety of

  2. Mark Says:

    Quigo is innovating the pay per click industry. Now the bigger names realizing they could potentially loose all of there clients have no choice but to ride the heals of Quigo

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