Mobio: A New Mo-Lo Startup


Matt Marshall at VentureBeat has an longish post on an interesting new mobile search/content provider Mobio coming out of DEMO:

Mobio is just the latest mobile company to ditch your stupid, slow cellphone Web browser. Forget it. As long as you’ve got a Java-enabled phone, you can download Mobio’s software and surf Web info from within the phone application (Mobio launches compatible with 20 phones, which accounts for about 60 percent of the market). It effectively lets you crawl the web, only in a more efficient mobile style, free of keyboard.

Matt likes Mobio, which is a downloadable Java-based application. That represents something of a barrier for consumers but not necessarily younger mobile users. Much of the what Mobio offers focuses on local.

Despite the power of the brands . . . mobile data is still in its infancy (compared with local search’s adolescence) and the best user experience can break out and trump brand at this point


Related: MediaPost (reg req’d) reports on the launch of mobile city guides.

And Google launches SMS for Orkut (its long neglected social network) in Brazil.