Twitter and SMBs: Yes We Can!

Picture 3As I wrote over at LMS, Twitter is seeing increasing, spontaneous adoption by small businesses using it as a marketing tool:

At the EconSM show last week, Kevin Thau of Twitter was anecdotally reporting on how SMBs/local businesses are increasingly adopting Twitter as a marketing vehicle — asking people to follow them on Twitter. He gave a number of concrete examples.

This is happening organically, it’s self service and has enormous potential as a viral marketing and CRM tool for local businesses. We wrote about some of this in our most recent Advisory: The ‘Twitterization’ of (Local) Online Marketing.

Regarding self-service and conventional online marketing (e.g., search), my outlook is relatively bearish for self-service penetrating the market beyond 10%-15%. But because of its simplicity, Twitter has much greater potential as a self-service marketing tool.

AdAdge discusses Twitter and SMB marketing (with a focus on Naked Pizza, Will Scott’s new favorite pizza place).

7 Responses to “Twitter and SMBs: Yes We Can!”

  1. Chrissy Says:

    What do businesses Twitter about…..and who follows them??

  2. “5 Great Resources for Using Twitter for Business and Your Brand” « Jeffbullas’s Blog Says:

    […] has been a LOT written about Twitter in general and as a marketing and branding tool.  But as yet, there is no primer, no […]

  3. Twitter an ‘Organic’ Tool for SMBs « Screenwerk Says:

    […] control over it than other tools (e.g., display, search marketing). Twitter reports that lots of small businesses are using it for online marketing purposes. That’s no surprise. And there have been a number of celebrated cases that are […]

  4. Tom Troughton Says:

    As a small business i use Twitter all the time. I tweet about information that my clients find useful. It is a great way to build relationships with them.
    follow me!

  5. Aly Says:

    I love to twitter, especially the challenge of getting my message in so few words. Very effective tool. Aly

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  7. Mick Cullen Says:

    “Chrissy Says:
    May 19, 2009 at 8:31 am | Reply
    What do businesses Twitter about…..and who follows them??”

    The local community news.
    Talking with customers.
    Announcing specials.
    Industry relevant articles.
    Lots of things

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