Facebook Still Mostly About Silly Fun

Until Microsoft-Yahoo took over mainstream media coverage there was lots of Google vs. Facebook discussion, with several high profile defections from G to F (Sheryl Sandberg being the highest).

I have consistently argued that Facebook isn’t a threat to Google unless or until it becomes more “useful” (on Screenwerk and SEL). Users in demos younger than me scoff and find Facebook useful as a communications and networking tool (it is). But in general, it’s still mostly about entertainment and “silly fun” (except in Egypt, where it’s a tool for political dissent).

Examine the distribution of Facebook apps that is widely circulating today:

Facebook apps

Source: Facebook/FlowingData

There are many things, which I’ve detailed in the past in a number of posts, that Facebook could do to become much more “useful” and much more threatening accordingly to Google.

I shant enumerate them here because it’s late Friday afternoon and time to start drinking.