CafeMom Gets Funds, BabyCenter Relaunches

Mom-oriented social network CafeMom just received $5 million in funding and BabyCenter, which I just wrote about, relaunched the site with many more social media features.

Women and moms are are the intersection of a number of important online phenomena, including social media and commerce. They are the most influence and important audience when it comes to transactions.

2 Responses to “CafeMom Gets Funds, BabyCenter Relaunches”

  1. social networking mom sites dime a dozen (or $5M for one) at Ghost of Midnight Says:

    […] such a tool.  I’ve heard good things in the past about the DC Moms Yahoo Group.  Now today from Greg Sterling… Mom-oriented social network CafeMom just received $5 million in funding and BabyCenter, […]

  2. GAIL Says:


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