PC World Labels MSFT Live Best ‘Local’ Engine

The image “https://i0.wp.com/www.live.com/live/1.900.8.041/img/wl_jewel.gif” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.Chris Sherman reports on PC World’s competitive testing of search engine performance. Google was seen as the best overall, though performance seems to have been somewhat better at Yahoo! test engines: Alta Vista and AlltheWeb.

Here’s the PC World article and, specifically, their findings about local (which seem to be more about local on a mobile device):

Recent enhancements to Live Search’s mobile component moved that service into the lead in our test searches for local information, although you have to navigate manually to its mobile-optimized site rather than being redirected automatically when you log in from a cell phone or other handheld device.

It’s not clear whether there were any local searches done online and none of the IYP or alternative local engines (e.g., Yelp, Citysearch) were apparently tested.


Related: PC World favorably reviews Yahoo! OneSearch.