Verizon Going After AT&T Network

The new Droid isn’t really better than the iPhone, though it has some features that exceed the iPhone. It’s not really credible to keep claiming that Droid is better. But perhaps much more effective is the idea of attacking AT&T’s network, which has been a regular source of frustration to iPhone users.

Here’s a representative example:

AT&T has sued Verizon to stop what it claims are misrepresentations about its network coverage in this series of ads. The ads will likely be modified or discontinued as a result; but while the suit moves forward Verizon continues to land blow after blow. The commercial above is both humorous and very effective in terms of the message it’s trying to convey.

(via Endgadget).


Update: Apparently the ads are working and negatively affecting perceptions of the AT&T network and brand.

3 Responses to “Verizon Going After AT&T Network”

  1. “Verizon Going After AT&T Network” and related posts « DesiTonic Says:

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  2. Lloyd Says:

    I recently switched from sprint to at&t for the iphone. It was the biggest mistake I have ever made regarding technology. I may switch to verizon and the droid – not because their commercials (that are hilarious) influenced me but because at&t has the worst network ever and it scares me if I have to make an emergency call.

  3. Jeff Says:

    I agree, the commercials are very creative and the “there’s a MAP for that” ads really drive things home quite well. I think the only critique I have for this campaign is in the media buying.

    The ads are obviously going national, but in reality, they should be targeting the areas of the US where there are dead spots in AT&T coverage. For instance, I live in LA and work in OC, and the coverage here is as good as anything I’ve had (I had Verizon previously and switched to AT&T even before I had an iPhone because Verizon doesn’t handle international travel very well). I would imagine the same is true in a lot of the major DMAs.

    So the ads themselves are falling on deaf ears in So Cal, unless people were AT&T haters already. However, if they just targeted the dead spots, they would probably save some cash and really change things up for them.

    This ad is also the first one that actually speaks about the iPhone… notice that it doesn’t bad mouth the phone, just the network. Verizon gets the iPhone in 2010…

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