Google Overtakes MapQuest for Maps Lead

picture-30Forthcoming January traffic data will reportedly show that Google Maps has taken the lead from MapQuest as the top mapping site in the US. According to the numbers that I received (I’ve asked comScore to verify), MapQuest’s January monthly unique visitors were 41.5 million and Google’s were 42.2 million.

This is the first time that Google Maps has overtaken MapQuest.

The rest of this post is at SEL.

7 Responses to “Google Overtakes MapQuest for Maps Lead”

  1. MiriamEllis Says:

    So, it’s really going to happen. As wary as I feel of the monopolistic reach of Google, they deserve congratulations if these figures play out.

    And in addition to giving congratulations, I think this is the right time to exhort Google and TeleAtlas to start delivering a first class mapping entity, if they are going to sit in 1st place with honor.

    There are so many errors in TeleAtlas’ data…city blocks missing, outdated railroads appearing instead of major hwys, etc. I was speaking to a friend recently whose buddies are old-timers in the print map industry. Little by little, the talents in the print mapping field have been acquired by the digital mapping industry (Navteq, TeleAtlas), and according to this friend, there is a huge difference in attention to detail and accuracy given by the 2 industries.

    The web is steadily replacing our former sources for news, maps, business data, contact information, etc. I would like to see the new sources offer data of an equal or superior quality…not an inferior one, or the information-seeking public will be the loser in this change to a digital world.

    So, to Google I say: don’t just be first – be best.

    Thanks for the report, Greg. Your blog continues to charm me with its constant stream of useful information.

  2. Greg Sterling Says:

    We’ll see when the comScore numbers come out but they’re accurate I believe. Miriam, your comments go back to data quality debate. I agree that if we’re now relying on the Web, the standards must be at least equal to offline. Indeed the Web has more resources available (real-time updating, community) so it could be better, at least in theory.

  3. Advanced Restoration Says:

    Informative article, it is about time google was applauded for their maps. I have been using google maps for some time over mapquest.

  4. MapQuest Launches ‘My Places’ for Mobile « Screenwerk Says:

    […] Launches ‘My Places’ for Mobile By Greg Sterling The fact that MapQuest is now in a real fight with Google Maps is a good thing. MapQuest is rapidly adding features and trying to reassert itself as the leader in […]

  5. kacikac has undies Says:

    Compare that to big by little the talents in the print mapping field have been acquired by the digital mapping industry Navteq TeleAtlas. When is d according to this friend there not a huge difference in attention to detail and accuracy given by the 2 industries?

  6. Water Damage Restoration in Tampa, FL Says:

    Ever since the launch of google maps, it has clearly been the dominating force. Now with their ability to create your own “map” makes it even better.

  7. Flood Damage Cleanup in Tampa, FL Says:

    Well the numbers of 2009 suggest that google is now the absolute dominator of the map industry.

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