Local Inventory for the iPhone

I’ve written quite a bit in the past about the rise in local product inventory data or its proxy and how this is really what consumers want: to know if particular products they’re interested in are available in local stores. Here’s a site dedicated to that proposition and the iPhone (data are crawled from the Apple site):

iPhone availability has been a become an issue in the wake of the successful launch of the 3G version. So it’s valuable to have access to something like this. But this is just one instance of a much larger trend, which we’ll be talking about on the SMX Local-Mobile panel “Local-Mobile & Retail.”

3 Responses to “Local Inventory for the iPhone”

  1. Mel Says:

    Go back … Looks like Apple has changed up their data feed (inventory results are null).

  2. Greg Sterling Says:

    Too bad.

  3. CholestaPro Says:

    Your effort is appreciated as I have looked into it, although feed is changed.

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