Google Maps Finally Offers Ratings Sort

Mike Blumenthal pointed out to me this morning that Google has finally introduced “refine by rating” (as well as distance) in the text view of its Maps results:

sort by rating

This is only about 3 years overdue, but better late . . . The distance refinement won’t mean much until it becomes a neighborhood filter.

In mobile Ask is the only WAP site/engine that allows refinement or sorting of results by rating.

4 Responses to “Google Maps Finally Offers Ratings Sort”

  1. emad Says:

    Actually, they still don’t let you change sort order. they are still relying on their algorithmic relevancy sort. These refinements are filters.

  2. Mike Blumenthal Says:

    There is a neighborhood filter for example on the Restaurants NY NY. You can see a screen shot here.


  3. Mark Leher Says:

    Somebody forwarded me a very funny video about Google Maps so I thought I would share it with the rest of the industry:

  4. Do Ratings Matter in Ranking Results? « Screenwerk Says:

    […] Ratings and reviews should be factored into the ranking of results, in my opinion, in the Shortcut or OneBox/Universal Search result. However, Google is now showing 10 links to signal users that there’s more content on Google Maps. And you can now sort by rating. […]

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