Kosmix Gets More Money, Local Coming

I was briefed by Kosmix several months ago and we had an engaging conversation. We discussed the challenges of search today and how Kosmix has been forced to modify and evolve its model because of Google’s success. The site has gone from “vertical search engine” to a collection of structured content pages — or homepages for topics.

The site aggregates content from various sources and soon will be doing this for local (on a city by city basis). It already has travel. As we discussed, one of the challenges is to offer content for locals that is different than content for tourists.

The site just gained $10 million in additional funding from DAG Ventures with additional funding from current investors, Accel and Lightspeed.

One Response to “Kosmix Gets More Money, Local Coming”

  1. current va mortgage rates Says:

    I didn’t even know about kosmix. Iwill have to check them out. thanks

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