TripIt Is Genuinely Useful

The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.I’m not at the “TC40” conference (TechCrunch40), though I keep getting emails from people who are: “Are you here?” I’m reading the coverage from afar. I’m at an Outrider client event in St. Louis. Outrider is a search marketing firm, now part of WPP.

One of the companies that launched there at the TC40 is a company called TripIt. I keep trying to meet with them and the almighty keeps intervening to prevent it.

TripIt builds itineraries for you after you simply send the site (or forward) emails from hotels, airlines, rental car companies and so on. I did it myself tonight with a number of reservations for upcoming trips, simply forwarding a bunch of email confirmations to the site. In all but one case it worked. Very nice. No more sorting through email painfully to find reservations.

There are lots of additional useful tools (e.g., maps, weather) on the site as well. There’s also sharing. This is an application that actually does something useful (probably a feature of a larger travel site in the end, as part of some future acquisition). TripIt was founded by ex-Hotwire folks.


While I liked the email functionality and other stuff on the site, over at GigaOm they did not.

One Response to “TripIt Is Genuinely Useful”

  1. TripIt Blog Says:

    Life After TechCrunch40 – The First 48 Hours

    It has been 48 hours since we went live at the TechCrunch40 and the response has been phenomenal. The conference organizers Jason Calacanis, Michael Arrington, and the TechCrunch team did an amazing job pulling the show together. It was a

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