Early Bird SMX Local-Mobile Registration Expiring

SMX logoAs Danny Sullivan posted on the SEL blog, the SMX Local-Mobile early bird registration won’t last much longer (about two weeks):

Search Engine Land’s next Search Marketing Expo event is only about two months away — SMX Local & Mobile, in Denver this October 1 & 2. As with our sold-out SMX Advanced show in June, this is a strictly limited capacity event! So sign-up now to ensure you can get in, plus register by August 15 to secure “early bird pricing” and save.

The limited capacity/sell-out aspect is no marketing ploy; they’re strictly limiting the number of attendees. Chris Sherman and I have got many of the speaker slots filled (and many of your speaking requests to me will be honored).

We’re trying to balance the industry overview/big picture panels with very “hands on,” tactical information. In that latter regard it’s very different than a Kelsey show. But it will also have a high-level perspective and be forward looking. I think it’s going to be a great show with a lot of great speakers.

I’m starting to get excited.