DoubleClick Exchange Now Planned

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I’ve written about online ad “exchanges” in the past, which is one of the more interesting developments in online advertising in my opinion. There’s RightMedia, which Yahoo! owns a piece of, Root Exchange, AdECN and, now, of course DoubleClick. Here’s the NY Times’ write up of the proposed DoubleClick exchange:

The online advertisement exchange will make DoubleClick more attractive to a potential acquirer because there is much demand for such a service and little supply, industry executives said. One of the few companies that runs this kind of auction, Right Media, took in $40 million last October when it sold a 20 percent stake to Yahoo.

Some argue that these emerging exchanges are about remnant inventory. But they may ultimately be central to the buying and selling of most online advertising at some future point. However, too many competing exchanges will diminsh the prospects of any one of them — efficiency, comprehensive access to inventory and scale are the desired qualities in such an exchange. That’s the difference between a true “exchange” and something that might be described as a “meta-network.”

Clearly DoubleClick is going to sell. And the cynical view is that this announcement and article are about boosting the perceived value of the company in anticipation of that sale to . . . Google, MSFT, AOL, Yahoo!? Google is now the perceived front-runner according to the WSJ.

3 Responses to “DoubleClick Exchange Now Planned”

  1. Chris Zaharias Says:

    In announcing an ad auction marketplace, Doubleclick execs seem to be taking a page out of Performics’ playbook. Back when Performics decided it wanted to sell, its SEM technology appeared to have instantaneously made miraculous leaps that ended up not living up to the hype. It’s clear to me, at least, that Perfomics’ SEM solution is just another webified Excel spreadsheet whose lack of data modeling capabilities is only partially butressed by large teams of humans manually managing keywords.

    As in the real estate market – buyer beware.

  2. DoubleClick Goes to Google « Screenwerk Says:

    […] price tag suggests an auction took place. DoubleClick also announced an intended exchange last week. This makes Google a much more well rounded online ad company than it was. It may also […]

  3. Nomadishere : Seeker of Truth » Blog Archive » 5 Insights Into The Google DoubleClick Deal to Take Over Affiliate Marketing And Banner Ads Says:

    […] could be just after some buzz to increase their already obese stock price. But I hope not seeing as their stock fell over a buck after the […]

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