TurnHere (and SpotRunner?) Getting Busy

The image “https://i0.wp.com/turnhere.com/images/logo.jpg” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.In the now apparent commitment to video-enable local sites TurnHere and potentially SpotRunner look to be immediate beneficiaries. SpotRunner has been approached to provide its expertise to local publishers. And SpotRunner CEO Nick Grouf’s keynote was one of several buzz-worthy sessions that I heard people discussing after-the-fact.

But TurnHere has turned itself into a production facility for the local marketplace. To that end, Peter Horan of IAC announced in his keynote yesterday at the Kelsey conference that Citysearch would be adding video (via TurnHere) in the next month or so. (TurnHere is a clear acquisition candidate in the near-to-medium term, especially as all these publishers get video religion.)

I’ve been preaching the TurnHere gospel for some time (no client relationship: never had it, never will).

Citysearch is perhaps looking to video to regain differentiators that have been lost or diminished vs. other local sites with deeper community content (e.g., Yelp), which is one reason IAC acquired InsiderPages.


Related: More from ClickZ on the DoubleClick video ad response-rates data.