Google-News Corp. and Search Privacy

Om Malik “deconstructs” the Google-News Corp/Fox deal. Any way you slice it it’s a win for Google. (Here’s a very bullish assessment from the Internet Stock Blog).

Separately the NY Times (reg. req’d) drills down into the AOL search database debacle. There’s far too much in “the database” for an unscrupulous government now to use against individuals. And most consumers have no idea how much of their data and behavior is now “on file.”

Total Information Awareness,” which died legislatively because of a political uproar a few years ago is now here through the back door in the form of government access to communications records (search logs, phone records, etc.). Privacy is an issue we must again take seriously.

2 Responses to “Google-News Corp. and Search Privacy”

  1. The Commerce360 Blog Says:

    Opting Out of the Database of Intentions

    The AOL/Thelma Arnold fiasco has proven the risk and potential value of what John Battelle called the ‘Database of Intentions’. The implications of the issues surrounding this database will be discussed and debated for days and weeks to come. Jason…

  2. Tal Says:

    Search proxies are out there non-techies just arent schooled.

    and BONUS they are free. Heres one

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